Great Gatsby questions

Chapter one- How does nick describe himself in the beginning of the novel?
                      Why was he moving to a new city?

Chapter two- how does nick meet Toms mistress?

                    How does myrtle react to Toms arrival?

Chapter theee- why does Gatsby throw huge parties for people he doesn’t know?

                      Why does the owl eyed man describe Gatsby as a belasco ?

Chapter 4-What was nick writing on an empty table?

                 What does Gatsby tell nick about himself?


  1. 1)He is shy and doesn't like judging others.
    1) To try out something new with his life.
    2) When they went to visit her.
    2)She was happy to see him.
    3) so people wont start rumors about him.
    3)The owl man thought a lot like other people that Gatsby throws a lot of parties to have a good time them reading good literature.
    4) The names of the guest who show up in Gatsby parties.
    4)He tells him all about his life. About where he lived, his parents.

  2. 1. Don't know
    2.Don't Know
    3.When she takes him to visit her
    4.She seemed happy
    5.So the people won't start rumours about him
    6.Don't know
    7. Record of the guests that show up to the parties
    8.Tells him about his life, his family parents...


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